Tips to Avoid Holiday Debt
Celebrating special occasions with your friends and relatives can be an amazing experience. Eating food, talking, playing games and creating new memories are wonderful things. Unfortunately, holiday celebrations can also take a financial toll if you aren’t careful. Whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day, Labor Day or Thanksgiving, it’s important that you take necessary precautions to avoid going into debt during a holiday celebration.
First off, create a budget before the holiday arrives. Sometimes, the cost of holidays tend to catch people off guard. Buying an extra bottle of wine or a pack of trash bags might not seem like a bit deal, but when you consider how many extra things you need to buy in total, holidays can be expensive. A few months before the holiday celebration occurs, decide how much money you’ll spend. Make sure you account for variables in your planning. For example, try to plan for a few more people than you think will come to your celebration. Also plan for some things to cost more than you think they will. This way, you’ll budget more than you think is necessary.
Start saving early for the holiday. If possible, try to save a small amount of money each pay period. This will enable you to have some savings available when it’s time to make your purchases for the celebration. Whether you need to buy gifts or decorations, holidays can be costly. Saving early will eliminate the chances of you going into debt. You can save in small ways, such as using coupons for your grocery shopping or eating more meals at home instead of at restaurants. Over time, the amount of money you’re saving will add up.
When you’re planning your holiday celebration, try to buy things on sale as much as possible. When you plan early, you’ll be able to stay alert for good deals in your area. Consider purchasing things like paper plates or even presents when they’re on sale at your local store instead of the day before the party. Even if you need to set things aside for a month or two, shopping early will enable you to get the best deals possible.
Finally, never compare yourself with other people. When you focus on creating a great celebration within your budget, you’ll have a good time. If you begin to compare yourself to other families you know, however, you may find it more challenging to stick with your budget. Never go into debt or put things on your credit card simply because you want to impress people. Instead, try to stay focused on the fact that staying within your budget is going to impress the people who matter most: your own family.